Friday, 27 November 2009

2 day Update

I have managed to trade the last 2 days for a profit of £63.09, almost clawing back my dumb mistake on the USA markets, still having a play on them as the money has increased, some races top £100k, so its possible to scalp/nick ticks, just make sure your out well before the off.

I am using the "Toy" which is superb, but i have had a few markets pause, but by closing and reopening the market its cured.

I'll add a link for the Toy, its free to use for now.

Below is a Screen shot of one of tonights races, taking in £3.30, i had several with this amount at Wolves and Dundalk, whilst others werefor £2.29 down to £0.67 and a small loss of £0.45p this was after i was waiting to be matched i had selected take SP, Which it did i then redded up.
Happy days.

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