Well, i have always preached about not letting things go in play....More on that in a while, yesterday i had a good 2 hours or so in the afternoon trading the Horses, using the "toy" what a great piece of kit that is however its early days for me and because its new i used small stakes of £5/10 scalping 1 or 2 ticks then hedging, i worked my way to a profit for the afternoon of £14.09, now here comes the idiot in me i went out last night to a football game, came back and decided to have a go at the USA races, started off well taking in £1.09, then £0.76p and few other £'s then in a race just after 11, i laid a horse at odds of 8.8 for £10 not noticing that it was seconds left before the off then bang the race is suspended and there off, i have at the races on, who are showning the race and the bugger goes onto win.... Argh no inplay, take sp for a counter trade so i am down £78 and not happy, of course all my own fault and another lesson learnt.
As for the toy, as i have said iam indeed impressed and will contiune to use it, but must steer clear of the usa races or look at the clock, the Toy could do with the clock being a bit bigger imo, i know betangel is large and is detachable.
Any way looking to try and at least salvage some of the lost monies soon, i will increase the stakes to a level i was at a few months ago that being £20/40... and dont lay with 0.2 seconds before the off.