Wednesday, 9 December 2009

So i a stuck in a hotel in leicester

Only a few miles away is the race course which ran today, i used the Toy and traded on all but 3 races today taking in my best amount for a long £108.68, how have i managed this?, well i increased stakes depending on which horse i was "working" there were a number of odds on favs who's odds were moving up and down and i just placed lays/backs a number of times, my stakes were £100/250 by far the most i have used, but to be honest i was very hyped... perhaps i need to go to hotels more often :)
I also had william hill radio on, they talked up a few horses with about 1/2 minutes to go, 1 was trading at 13's to back and i could see large amounts of cash building up so i backed it with the intention of getting out either for the small loss or profit as it was i laid it for 11's then hedged, cheers william hill radio.
Below is the P/L
no trades tonight as i am off out and head home tommorow.


  1. fantasic day! beats my £5.90 job! keep it up, and can I stay with you a night in the next hotel to see how you do! :P

  2. 90% strike rate and over a ton in the pocket. very tidy.
